Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
My cousin Kelli tagged me. I have to answer with one word answers.
1. Where is your cell phone? nope
2. Where is your significant other? here
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? heavenly
5. Your father? whimsical
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? hopeful
8. Your dream/goal? mission
9. The room you're in? scraproom
10. Your hobby? crafting
11. Your fear? death (not mine)
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? moved
13. Where were you last night? ER
14. What you're not? conformist (question everything)
15. One of your wish-list items? bathroom
16. Where you grew up? marriage
17. The last thing you did? talk
18. What are you wearing?pjs
19. Your TV? overrated
20. Your pet? bear
21. Your computer? necessity
22. Your mood? overwhelmed
23. Missing someone? definitely
24. Your car? eh...
25. Something you're not wearing? socks
26. Favorite store? Craft
27. Your summer? favorite
28. Love someone? absolutely
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? minutes
31. Last time you cried? nightly
Tagging: Shannon, Laura, Kate, Tina, RicAnn, and Christy....
1. Where is your cell phone? nope
2. Where is your significant other? here
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? heavenly
5. Your father? whimsical
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? hopeful
8. Your dream/goal? mission
9. The room you're in? scraproom
10. Your hobby? crafting
11. Your fear? death (not mine)
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? moved
13. Where were you last night? ER
14. What you're not? conformist (question everything)
15. One of your wish-list items? bathroom
16. Where you grew up? marriage
17. The last thing you did? talk
18. What are you wearing?pjs
19. Your TV? overrated
20. Your pet? bear
21. Your computer? necessity
22. Your mood? overwhelmed
23. Missing someone? definitely
24. Your car? eh...
25. Something you're not wearing? socks
26. Favorite store? Craft
27. Your summer? favorite
28. Love someone? absolutely
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? minutes
31. Last time you cried? nightly
Tagging: Shannon, Laura, Kate, Tina, RicAnn, and Christy....
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tate has been kiddie tagged....
My cousin tagged Tate on her blog ... I have to write five things about Tate (I can only pick five??)
1. Tate has such a fun personality. He can find laughter anywhere... Even when he is upset all I have to say is, "You sound like a baby dinosaur" and he starts laughing and forgets why he is crying.. I love his sense of humor...
2. Tate is a friendly and caring child.. He is so concerned with other's feelings and my own. If I even look sad he is there trying to cheer me up. He always says, "I love you, more"... He is willing to share his toys with his friends. During lunchtime at school there are three little girls that "just have" to sit with him...
3. Tate loooves his video games. It's something he and his Daddy have always shared. They play the games together all the time... Tate is constantly begging Daddy to play. He's pretty good at them too..
4. Tate is a lover of ALL animals (even monsters)... He has a book of all the monsters and loves reading it. We read about a monster almost every night.. Halloween is his favorite holiday. He often hangs out with Beary Boo (our dog), they like to climb in the bathtub and "talk" to each other. Tate will tell Bear all about his day and ask him about his... When our bird and cat died this summer he was concerned where they went. He decided that they went to heaven to play with JaCee..
5. Tate adores his Grandpa Wendell.. He loves going to visit him.. When grandpa comes to see Tate they go to a local cheese plant and buy a case of chocolate milk.. Grandpa Wendell took Tate fishing at a pond by where we live... Tate loved every minute of it, he talked about it for weeks...

This was a fun activity filled with goodness...
the children that are "kiddie Tagged" next are:
Matilee (Shannon)
Nick (Amanda)
Danny (Tina)
Cooper (Christy)
Mikele (Nicole)

2. Tate is a friendly and caring child.. He is so concerned with other's feelings and my own. If I even look sad he is there trying to cheer me up. He always says, "I love you, more"... He is willing to share his toys with his friends. During lunchtime at school there are three little girls that "just have" to sit with him...
3. Tate loooves his video games. It's something he and his Daddy have always shared. They play the games together all the time... Tate is constantly begging Daddy to play. He's pretty good at them too..
4. Tate is a lover of ALL animals (even monsters)... He has a book of all the monsters and loves reading it. We read about a monster almost every night.. Halloween is his favorite holiday. He often hangs out with Beary Boo (our dog), they like to climb in the bathtub and "talk" to each other. Tate will tell Bear all about his day and ask him about his... When our bird and cat died this summer he was concerned where they went. He decided that they went to heaven to play with JaCee..
5. Tate adores his Grandpa Wendell.. He loves going to visit him.. When grandpa comes to see Tate they go to a local cheese plant and buy a case of chocolate milk.. Grandpa Wendell took Tate fishing at a pond by where we live... Tate loved every minute of it, he talked about it for weeks...

This was a fun activity filled with goodness...
the children that are "kiddie Tagged" next are:
Matilee (Shannon)
Nick (Amanda)
Danny (Tina)
Cooper (Christy)
Mikele (Nicole)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Discovering Alphabet Soup!!
As a child growing up I had Alphabet soup all the time. As an adult it isn't something that I grab often. Roy had picked up a few cans to have on hand and for quick lunch Alphabet soup was a good choice. Tate was so excited to see letters in his soup he didn't hesitate to spell his name. It wasn't long before we had every relative and friend's name on the edge of the bowl. By the time we were finished there were no noodles left to eat. I had no idea a bowl of soup could be so much fun. I guess we will be having Alphabet soup more often in our house.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
September 17, 2003
Five years ago today....

September 17, 2003 is a day that I, or my family, will never forget….
It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since the car wreck and our sweet little JaCee was taken home into the loving arms of Heavenly Father..

I will never say that losing someone is easy, and when it is a child it is unbearable…
*news article about the wreck*
(They called Roy, Ron... but that's ok)
Over the years we have had so much support from our family, friends and complete strangers…
A few months after the car wreck we got a call from my Uncle, Jay telling us he had a surprise for us. At the time, I didn’t think there was anything that could cheer us up or even if I wanted “cheering up”.. When we arrived at his home he walked us to the living room and this is what was sitting on the couch…..

This is an amazing Charcoal that a woman in his Ward created for us during Conference that October. She didn’t know us and told my Uncle not to tell us who she is. We still don’t know who she is. This is an item that I will cherish forever made by a stranger..
I was told that when the police and emergency vehicles reached the scene and found that it was a little girl involved they got on their radios and said a prayer for our JaCee.
It is so important to drive safely, legal, and obey the traffic laws. You never know how your actions can change someone's life forever. Please help to achieve ZERO FATALITLIES.
I want to share the letter I wrote to JaCee that was read at her funeral:
Dear JaCee,
I remember when they placed you in my arms for the very first time. You were so sweet and innocent. My heart was filled with joy I had never felt before. I never wanted to let you go. I couldn’t bare to let them take you in the nursery. So they let me keep you in the room with me.

When we were able to take you home. I had so much fun dressing you in all the different little outfits.
You were dressed in white on your blessing day. Your daddy was glowing with pride and happiness as he held you and gave you a wonderful blessing and name, “JaCee Leigh Hathaway”. So many people came to share in the blessed event.

Your first year was a busy one. The demand was high. You were worth every minute. I had to buy a baby backpack just so I could wash the dishes because you didn’t want me to put you down. To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to put you down.
You wanted to taste everything. No matter what it was, if it was in your hands, it was only a matter of time when it was in your mouth.
When you started to talk you called me, “Carrie” and Daddy, “Roy”.
As you grew I realized how beautiful and loving you were becoming. I didn’t know how much you watched and imitated everything we did. Until, one day you burst out with “Holy How!” (in translation “Holy Cow”). We laughed so hard. Of course, after that you said it all the time.
By the age of two you knew how to work the VCR perfectly. You were intrigued with all the Disney movies and wanted to be all the beautiful princesses in them. No matter what day of the week, you could always be found in a leotard and tutu or a “dress-up” of your favorite Fairy Tale princess for the day.

Yet, you were always on the look out for Wildlife like fish, deer, Grizzly Bears, and “Grizzly Elk”. You could spot them from a mile away. I think your perfect outing would be hiking up a hill in a tutu and princess shoes hunting “ Grizzly Elk”.

I loved watching you play. You named all your dollies. You would take great care in dressing and handling them. You spoke to them in a soft voice and cooed them to sleep. You would have made a wonderful mother.

I’m going to miss the bouquets of dandelions and petunias. Pockets filled with flowers, sticks and buttons. Coloring books and paints strung all over the kitchen countertops. Tripping over Barbies and stumbling over books. I’m going to miss the mud in the tub after an afternoon of playing in the sand making Grand castles fit for a Queen.

We found a box Saturday filled with some of your little treasures. There were crayons in a binky box, combs, Cheetos, a video and other things. It reminded me of the many times you were carrying a grocery bag filled with baggies full of different items like a Jello box, flowers, and popscicle sticks. Each item would have it’s own baggy.
You loved swimming in Bear Lake, Dancing in front of the mirror, and standing in the wind. Your favorite color was purple and your favorite food was pizza.
Music was important to you. From a very young age you loved to sing in the Karaoke with you Daddy. You knew every word to songs from “I love to see the Temple”, to “Tiny Bubbles”. You always had a song on your lips while doing different tasks around the house.
You were insistent on making your own peanut butter sandwiches. I would find bread and peanut butter all over the counter and you and Tate sitting at the table with the sandwiches eating contently.

You were so independent. You wanted to do everything on your own. I remember the time just last month. Tate was trying to climb in his highchair and fell and hit his nose. I was downstairs doing laundry and you came down the stairs and said, “Mom, I need your help. I can’t do this alone”. I followed you upstairs and the scene was of Tate sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor with a bloody nose, the First Aide kit was sitting next to him with its contents emptied on the floor and gauze pads peppered across his lap. He wasn’t crying but it was a sight I will never forget. You were going to try and take care of the situation before you would ever ask anyone for help.
You were starting to find Tate as a friend and playmate. Instead of pushing him away you started to teach him and show him how to be in your world. I caught you on more than one occasion trying to teach him how to say different words or teaching him the names of all your dollies. He misses you already and asked for you yesterday. In his limited vocabulary he said, “I want JaCee”. He loves you so much and looks up to you, his big sister.

When daddy was home you were with him. When he wasn’t you were asking where he was. You two were so close. On any given Saturday you guys could be found downstairs in the living room. Daddy lying down on the floor and your head propped up on his belly watching cartoons, giggling and laughing the while time. If daddy had yard work to do, you were out there with him. If he had to go to the store, you were at the store with him. So many times you two would go to the store for milk and came back with bags of toys, candy and Rapunzel Fruit Snacks. He spoiled you rotten and you loved every minute of it. You are Daddy’s little girl.

There was another man in your life, a little older and a little grumpier. You stole his heart from the moment you were born. Whenever we were at Grandpa’s house I never saw you. You were always with him. You were inseparable. You liked making pizza together getting sauce and cheese all over the place. No matter what you did it was always “OK” in Grandpa’s eyes. I could see the way you put a sparkle in his eye whenever you came in the room. You connected with him and he with you.

You were always ready for the trip to Aunt Shannon’s house. She always had toys and lots of children to play with. She treated you like one of her own. You couldn’t arrive without a hug or leave without a kiss from aunt Shannon. She let you explore, play and ransack her beautiful home saying, “kids will be kids”. She loves you very much.

I know you love to be with your family and extended family very much. You loved the annual trip to Wyoming for the family reunion, where you could run around and play with your cousins and eat food.

Easter and Christmas we would go to aunt Denise’s and ride horses (your favorite) and exchange presents and eat lots of food.

JaCee I want you to know that I love you very much and I am going to miss you immensely. I’m going to miss the way you always had a “squeeze kiss” for me or when you would gently touch my cheek and say, “I love you more”. I’m going to miss birthdays, first day of school, and graduation. I don’t think I have even begun to imagine the things I am going to miss. You are a beautiful, courageous, and smart little girl. You were such an example in your short little life. You loved going to church and seeing the Temple. You would always want to go there so we could sing the song, “I Love To See The Temple”. I know that I will see you again and I can’t wait for that day to come. I have a few more things to do down here before I am ready. I thank Heavenly Father for the four wonderful years I had with you. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
We are sending Charlie (your favorite stuffed animal dog) with you,

along with a charm bracelet with all of your favorite things on it; planes, dolls, horses, elk, bears, pizza slice, kitty, dog, Bambi, and others. Grandpa wanted you to have a special little trinket and grandma a book.
So many people have come by the house to drop off flowers for you. You would have loved them.
I already miss you “Sweetie Girl”. Until I see you again. I will always love you. You are my favorite girl.
Love, Mommy

September 17, 2003 is a day that I, or my family, will never forget….
It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since the car wreck and our sweet little JaCee was taken home into the loving arms of Heavenly Father..

I will never say that losing someone is easy, and when it is a child it is unbearable…
*news article about the wreck*
(They called Roy, Ron... but that's ok)
Over the years we have had so much support from our family, friends and complete strangers…
A few months after the car wreck we got a call from my Uncle, Jay telling us he had a surprise for us. At the time, I didn’t think there was anything that could cheer us up or even if I wanted “cheering up”.. When we arrived at his home he walked us to the living room and this is what was sitting on the couch…..

This is an amazing Charcoal that a woman in his Ward created for us during Conference that October. She didn’t know us and told my Uncle not to tell us who she is. We still don’t know who she is. This is an item that I will cherish forever made by a stranger..
I was told that when the police and emergency vehicles reached the scene and found that it was a little girl involved they got on their radios and said a prayer for our JaCee.
It is so important to drive safely, legal, and obey the traffic laws. You never know how your actions can change someone's life forever. Please help to achieve ZERO FATALITLIES.
I want to share the letter I wrote to JaCee that was read at her funeral:
Dear JaCee,
I remember when they placed you in my arms for the very first time. You were so sweet and innocent. My heart was filled with joy I had never felt before. I never wanted to let you go. I couldn’t bare to let them take you in the nursery. So they let me keep you in the room with me.

When we were able to take you home. I had so much fun dressing you in all the different little outfits.
You were dressed in white on your blessing day. Your daddy was glowing with pride and happiness as he held you and gave you a wonderful blessing and name, “JaCee Leigh Hathaway”. So many people came to share in the blessed event.

Your first year was a busy one. The demand was high. You were worth every minute. I had to buy a baby backpack just so I could wash the dishes because you didn’t want me to put you down. To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to put you down.
You wanted to taste everything. No matter what it was, if it was in your hands, it was only a matter of time when it was in your mouth.
When you started to talk you called me, “Carrie” and Daddy, “Roy”.
As you grew I realized how beautiful and loving you were becoming. I didn’t know how much you watched and imitated everything we did. Until, one day you burst out with “Holy How!” (in translation “Holy Cow”). We laughed so hard. Of course, after that you said it all the time.
By the age of two you knew how to work the VCR perfectly. You were intrigued with all the Disney movies and wanted to be all the beautiful princesses in them. No matter what day of the week, you could always be found in a leotard and tutu or a “dress-up” of your favorite Fairy Tale princess for the day.

Yet, you were always on the look out for Wildlife like fish, deer, Grizzly Bears, and “Grizzly Elk”. You could spot them from a mile away. I think your perfect outing would be hiking up a hill in a tutu and princess shoes hunting “ Grizzly Elk”.

I loved watching you play. You named all your dollies. You would take great care in dressing and handling them. You spoke to them in a soft voice and cooed them to sleep. You would have made a wonderful mother.

I’m going to miss the bouquets of dandelions and petunias. Pockets filled with flowers, sticks and buttons. Coloring books and paints strung all over the kitchen countertops. Tripping over Barbies and stumbling over books. I’m going to miss the mud in the tub after an afternoon of playing in the sand making Grand castles fit for a Queen.

We found a box Saturday filled with some of your little treasures. There were crayons in a binky box, combs, Cheetos, a video and other things. It reminded me of the many times you were carrying a grocery bag filled with baggies full of different items like a Jello box, flowers, and popscicle sticks. Each item would have it’s own baggy.

Music was important to you. From a very young age you loved to sing in the Karaoke with you Daddy. You knew every word to songs from “I love to see the Temple”, to “Tiny Bubbles”. You always had a song on your lips while doing different tasks around the house.
You were insistent on making your own peanut butter sandwiches. I would find bread and peanut butter all over the counter and you and Tate sitting at the table with the sandwiches eating contently.

You were so independent. You wanted to do everything on your own. I remember the time just last month. Tate was trying to climb in his highchair and fell and hit his nose. I was downstairs doing laundry and you came down the stairs and said, “Mom, I need your help. I can’t do this alone”. I followed you upstairs and the scene was of Tate sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor with a bloody nose, the First Aide kit was sitting next to him with its contents emptied on the floor and gauze pads peppered across his lap. He wasn’t crying but it was a sight I will never forget. You were going to try and take care of the situation before you would ever ask anyone for help.
You were starting to find Tate as a friend and playmate. Instead of pushing him away you started to teach him and show him how to be in your world. I caught you on more than one occasion trying to teach him how to say different words or teaching him the names of all your dollies. He misses you already and asked for you yesterday. In his limited vocabulary he said, “I want JaCee”. He loves you so much and looks up to you, his big sister.

When daddy was home you were with him. When he wasn’t you were asking where he was. You two were so close. On any given Saturday you guys could be found downstairs in the living room. Daddy lying down on the floor and your head propped up on his belly watching cartoons, giggling and laughing the while time. If daddy had yard work to do, you were out there with him. If he had to go to the store, you were at the store with him. So many times you two would go to the store for milk and came back with bags of toys, candy and Rapunzel Fruit Snacks. He spoiled you rotten and you loved every minute of it. You are Daddy’s little girl.

There was another man in your life, a little older and a little grumpier. You stole his heart from the moment you were born. Whenever we were at Grandpa’s house I never saw you. You were always with him. You were inseparable. You liked making pizza together getting sauce and cheese all over the place. No matter what you did it was always “OK” in Grandpa’s eyes. I could see the way you put a sparkle in his eye whenever you came in the room. You connected with him and he with you.

You were always ready for the trip to Aunt Shannon’s house. She always had toys and lots of children to play with. She treated you like one of her own. You couldn’t arrive without a hug or leave without a kiss from aunt Shannon. She let you explore, play and ransack her beautiful home saying, “kids will be kids”. She loves you very much.

I know you love to be with your family and extended family very much. You loved the annual trip to Wyoming for the family reunion, where you could run around and play with your cousins and eat food.

Easter and Christmas we would go to aunt Denise’s and ride horses (your favorite) and exchange presents and eat lots of food.

JaCee I want you to know that I love you very much and I am going to miss you immensely. I’m going to miss the way you always had a “squeeze kiss” for me or when you would gently touch my cheek and say, “I love you more”. I’m going to miss birthdays, first day of school, and graduation. I don’t think I have even begun to imagine the things I am going to miss. You are a beautiful, courageous, and smart little girl. You were such an example in your short little life. You loved going to church and seeing the Temple. You would always want to go there so we could sing the song, “I Love To See The Temple”. I know that I will see you again and I can’t wait for that day to come. I have a few more things to do down here before I am ready. I thank Heavenly Father for the four wonderful years I had with you. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
We are sending Charlie (your favorite stuffed animal dog) with you,

along with a charm bracelet with all of your favorite things on it; planes, dolls, horses, elk, bears, pizza slice, kitty, dog, Bambi, and others. Grandpa wanted you to have a special little trinket and grandma a book.
So many people have come by the house to drop off flowers for you. You would have loved them.
I already miss you “Sweetie Girl”. Until I see you again. I will always love you. You are my favorite girl.
Love, Mommy
Brindy and JaCee

Friday, September 12, 2008
For all Moms
Roy found this on YouTube... I think it is hilarious...yet, so true.... enjoy
..... and for the Dads...
..... and for the Dads...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A sad post..
WARNING!! this is a sad post...
With the beginning of school and this year being Tate's first year with school lunch. I have been able to see yet another faucet of the school experience; Being the mom of a "lunch" kid...
Well, I am not ready to just give up feeding my child lunch. So I go the cold lunch route. Tate was getting sick of PB&J so I decided that every so often (twice a week) I would bring him a Hot lunch and sit with him, he loves it...
Now to the sad part.. There is a little girl that sits with Tate during lunch. For the past two times I have taken Tate lunch, this is what her lunch consisted of: One 1/2 of a slice of dry bread (not in a baggy), a packet of crackers, and a baggy with a few chips. I am not sure if this child is on a special diet or not.
I have no idea what her family situation is and I am not judging them one bit. It must break her mother's heart to hand her child her lunch bag knowing what is inside it(or is not inside it).
I feel so blessed, yet guilty that I am able to send my child with a full lunch box. It saddens me to see this child go without. I wanted so much to go home and bring her a decent lunch.
It's hard because our school doesn't have the Free Lunch program, so that is not an option for this family. I would be so willing to pack an extra lunch for her. I have no idea how to get to that point. I would need to know if this child has allergies. Is this something you just ask the mother even though it might embarrass or offend her? I haven't decided yet...
I know that times are tough right now. We are having our fair share of struggles. Things are only going to get worse and to see this soooo close to home scares me..
Just so you know... this little girl didn't go without (today).... She was given an extra banana and a milk carton from an anonymous donor...
Please say a prayer for her tonight...
With the beginning of school and this year being Tate's first year with school lunch. I have been able to see yet another faucet of the school experience; Being the mom of a "lunch" kid...
Well, I am not ready to just give up feeding my child lunch. So I go the cold lunch route. Tate was getting sick of PB&J so I decided that every so often (twice a week) I would bring him a Hot lunch and sit with him, he loves it...
Now to the sad part.. There is a little girl that sits with Tate during lunch. For the past two times I have taken Tate lunch, this is what her lunch consisted of: One 1/2 of a slice of dry bread (not in a baggy), a packet of crackers, and a baggy with a few chips. I am not sure if this child is on a special diet or not.
I have no idea what her family situation is and I am not judging them one bit. It must break her mother's heart to hand her child her lunch bag knowing what is inside it(or is not inside it).
I feel so blessed, yet guilty that I am able to send my child with a full lunch box. It saddens me to see this child go without. I wanted so much to go home and bring her a decent lunch.
It's hard because our school doesn't have the Free Lunch program, so that is not an option for this family. I would be so willing to pack an extra lunch for her. I have no idea how to get to that point. I would need to know if this child has allergies. Is this something you just ask the mother even though it might embarrass or offend her? I haven't decided yet...
I know that times are tough right now. We are having our fair share of struggles. Things are only going to get worse and to see this soooo close to home scares me..
Just so you know... this little girl didn't go without (today).... She was given an extra banana and a milk carton from an anonymous donor...
Please say a prayer for her tonight...
Friday, August 22, 2008
The first day of 1st Grade.....

Tate started 1st grade this week... I am having mixed feelings about this whole "school thing".. I know he has to go, I know I have to cut the apron strings (or does he do that?), I know that he will meet tons of new friends and learn lots of new things. Knowing all of this does not help the sad feelings go away. I like having him here. There really isn't anything extra special that I have been putting off doing until he was in school. I'm going to drive his teacher crazy with all the "help" I'm willing to give...
It's a good thing he is an independent child. He has no problem going to class without looking back. If he were the type that cries when I leave him. I would be going crazy right now trying to homeschool...
I hope this gets easier as we go along. Someday I will be sending him on a mission in a far away land for TWO years and that puts me close to a full blown panic attack... I think I will just stick to getting him to 1st grade for right now...(baby steps)..
MOM: "How was your first day of 1st grade?!?"
Tate: "It was AWESOME, soooo AWESOME, Mom!!!!!"
MOM: "Who taught you that word?" I've never heard him use the word Awesome before..
Tate: "My teacher"
MOM: "fabulous"
Sunday, August 3, 2008
What color are you???!!!
You Are a Green Crayon |
![]() Your world is colored in harmonious, peaceful, natural colors. While some may associate green with money, you are one of the least materialistic people around. Comfort is important to you. You like to feel as relaxed as possible - and you try to make others feel at ease. You're very happy with who you are, and it certainly shows! Your color wheel opposite is red. Every time you feel grounded, a red person does their best to shake you. |
I'm not sure if this truly describes me, but the last line got me thinking...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
CrazZzZy KIDS!!!
My Dad is here for a visit and it is so exciting. I haven't seen him since my mother passed away.. Well, we got all the grandchildren together and they had a great time..... I am now officially convinced that these kids are CRAZZZYY, but I'll let you decide for yourself!!..... enjoy.....
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday Drive
So the great thing about living in Utah is... nature is only minutes away. We went on a Sunday drive today (something we haven't done in a while because of the cost of fuel). I love going on drives and getting out. I decided to take my new toy with me and invite you guys along for the ride... enjoy!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
All Flipped out!!!
So I just got a "Flip" today and I looooooove it. I can't believe how easy it is to post videos.... YAY!!!
So here is Tate doing his most favorite thing....
I know boring, but I couldn't wait for something exciting to post.. Don't worry more is coming....
So here is Tate doing his most favorite thing....
I know boring, but I couldn't wait for something exciting to post.. Don't worry more is coming....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Locks Of Love
I know this news is a couple of weeks old, but here it is anyway...
So a few years ago I decided to grow my hair out for the sole purpose to donate it to the "Locks of Love" foundation... After a few years of not being able to get highlights or anything fun I decided it was long enough. You only need 10"... in the end I had 11" to share... My sister Shannon took the photos (of course)...
So a few years ago I decided to grow my hair out for the sole purpose to donate it to the "Locks of Love" foundation... After a few years of not being able to get highlights or anything fun I decided it was long enough. You only need 10"... in the end I had 11" to share... My sister Shannon took the photos (of course)...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Bye "Green"
How do you say goodbye to an animal friend? The other day we found "Green" in his cage cuddled in the corner. He got too cold... So sad!! What will "Blue" do now?? "Blue" is the other bird Tate's Grandpa Wendell gave him 4 years ago.. Even the cat knew something was up. He was lying by the cage looking into it when we found "Green"..
Tate took it very well.. When I told him that one of his birds had gone to heaven he said, "Now JaCee will have a bird in heaven to play with"..
We buried Green in the backyard and marked his "grave" with a little bird statue. Tate put some flowers on the ground and said, "Now we will visit you here, instead of in the house".. I think he will handle these kinds of things better than I ever will..
Bye "Green" you and your little chirps will be missed greatly.
Tate riding an Elephant
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