Friday, August 22, 2008

The first day of 1st Grade.....

Tate started 1st grade this week... I am having mixed feelings about this whole "school thing".. I know he has to go, I know I have to cut the apron strings (or does he do that?), I know that he will meet tons of new friends and learn lots of new things. Knowing all of this does not help the sad feelings go away. I like having him here. There really isn't anything extra special that I have been putting off doing until he was in school. I'm going to drive his teacher crazy with all the "help" I'm willing to give...

It's a good thing he is an independent child. He has no problem going to class without looking back. If he were the type that cries when I leave him. I would be going crazy right now trying to homeschool...

I hope this gets easier as we go along. Someday I will be sending him on a mission in a far away land for TWO years and that puts me close to a full blown panic attack... I think I will just stick to getting him to 1st grade for right now...(baby steps)..

MOM: "How was your first day of 1st grade?!?"
Tate: "It was AWESOME, soooo AWESOME, Mom!!!!!"
MOM: "Who taught you that word?" I've never heard him use the word Awesome before..
Tate: "My teacher"
MOM: "fabulous"


caitenni said...

Look at the expression on his face! LOL. Adorable.

Nicole Norris said...

I love that he learned the word "awesome" from his teacher.

Shuman X Seven said...

So adorable!! That has to be one of the best first day pics I have ever seen!! I love you Tate!

PhillipsFam said...

funny story about the word awesome - I got a good chuckle over that! Morgie goes to full day kindergarten starting Tuesday and I'm trying to take baby steps too!!

Kate said...

"Awesome"...that is too cute just as Tate is!!