How do you say goodbye to an animal friend? The other day we found "Green" in his cage cuddled in the corner. He got too cold... So sad!! What will "Blue" do now?? "Blue" is the other bird Tate's Grandpa Wendell gave him 4 years ago.. Even the cat knew something was up. He was lying by the cage looking into it when we found "Green"..
Tate took it very well.. When I told him that one of his birds had gone to heaven he said, "Now JaCee will have a bird in heaven to play with"..
We buried Green in the backyard and marked his "grave" with a little bird statue. Tate put some flowers on the ground and said, "Now we will visit you here, instead of in the house".. I think he will handle these kinds of things better than I ever will..
Bye "Green" you and your little chirps will be missed greatly.