Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A sad post..

WARNING!! this is a sad post...

With the beginning of school and this year being Tate's first year with school lunch. I have been able to see yet another faucet of the school experience; Being the mom of a "lunch" kid...

Well, I am not ready to just give up feeding my child lunch. So I go the cold lunch route. Tate was getting sick of PB&J so I decided that every so often (twice a week) I would bring him a Hot lunch and sit with him, he loves it...

Now to the sad part.. There is a little girl that sits with Tate during lunch. For the past two times I have taken Tate lunch, this is what her lunch consisted of: One 1/2 of a slice of dry bread (not in a baggy), a packet of crackers, and a baggy with a few chips. I am not sure if this child is on a special diet or not.

I have no idea what her family situation is and I am not judging them one bit. It must break her mother's heart to hand her child her lunch bag knowing what is inside it(or is not inside it).

I feel so blessed, yet guilty that I am able to send my child with a full lunch box. It saddens me to see this child go without. I wanted so much to go home and bring her a decent lunch.

It's hard because our school doesn't have the Free Lunch program, so that is not an option for this family. I would be so willing to pack an extra lunch for her. I have no idea how to get to that point. I would need to know if this child has allergies. Is this something you just ask the mother even though it might embarrass or offend her? I haven't decided yet...

I know that times are tough right now. We are having our fair share of struggles. Things are only going to get worse and to see this soooo close to home scares me..

Just so you know... this little girl didn't go without (today).... She was given an extra banana and a milk carton from an anonymous donor...

Please say a prayer for her tonight...


1 comment:

Shuman X Seven said...

It could be, that she likes those things for lunch. I know one little girl that likes to eat two slices of bread and a glass of water. BUT, I would hate to see a child truly go hungry. I would ask her teacher, and offer to anonymously give her a free lunch. The truth of the matter is, times are getting tough for everyone. It is very possible, the best nutrition she may be getting, just might be from a friendly donor. It is truly a pity your school doesn't have a free lunch program.....maybe you could volunteer to do the paper work for them..... surely there are more children than just her that are going without...?????? Maybe that is an issue for your PTO board. Just a thought.